Preventive Measures Against COVID-19

By Elsie Akawushim

How many preventive measures against COVID-19 are you conversant with? Use of nose masks isn’t moving with the trend but are you aware of effective measures for use of fabric nose masks?

The world will never forget the year 2020 in a hurry. We watched out for Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) updates daily on new cases confirmed in the last 24 hours, total confirmed cases and deaths per continent, and globally. We met new developments, new- normal and breakthroughs.

Some people who contracted and recovered from the virus have shared their experiences from mild to severe respiratory illness. Amongst the protective measures recommended are respiratory etiquette and the use of a face mask.

Preventive Measures against COVID-19

  1. Wash your hands frequently with soap under running water for at least 20 seconds.
  2. If water for washing hands is not readily available, use hand sanitizers.
  3. Always have a bottle of hand sanitizers, a portable/mobile one with you at all times when outside your home.
  4. Maintain social distancing and stay home as much as possible
  5. Wear a face mask before leaving your home for essential duties.

Effective Measures for the Use of a Fabric Nose Mask

  1. It’s advisable to use 100% cotton material or denim material for fabric nose masks to prevent suffocation.
  2. Don’t try on new fabric masks from vendors or wear immediately after purchasing, always wash before first use.
  3. Don’t re-use a cloth face mask before it has been washed and dried.
  4. Don’t leave a used face mask on just any surface or in the reach of children while not in use.
  5. Don’t pull down your mask to cough or sneeze, use your bent elbow over the mask until you can safely remove the mask for washing.
  6. Don’t use a cloth face mask on children under the age of 2 years.
  7. Wear masks made with at least 3 layers of fabric.
  8. Make sure the fabric mask is breathable

Prevention is better than cure. According to Thomas Edison, the doctor of the future will give no medicine but will instruct his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet, and the cause and prevention of disease.

Advise yourself and others. Be safe, be protected, and stay alive.

Elsie Akawushim is an Alumna of Rome Business school.