Digitalization in the Healthcare Industry

The current Covid-19 pandemic has changed the lives of billions of people and businesses; especially as we are forced to tackle the pandemic with a scarcity of resources and restrictions in customer engagement due to social distancing.

One emerging trend is digitalization in the healthcare industry.

The question on everybody’s mind is “how can we use advanced technology and innovations to maintain customer engagement with the goal of meeting the needs of current customers and possibly grow our customer base?”

Firstly, we have to accept the fact that today’s world has changed — the global pandemic is shaping the future of our work pattern or workflow. Individuals, alongside companies, have to create a smarter and connected world through value-adding digitalization strategies. There are multiple examples of industries that were revolutionized by new technologies before the pandemic either partially or completely– just look at the financial and media industries that had to craft entirely new business models. Digitalization is having a profound effect not only on our private lives but on the entire economy.

Shaping the Future in Healthcare: Baihe Medical Limited Approach

Companies in the health sector are tasked with making a positive difference to billions of people’s lives every day by supporting medical workers with the necessary medical tools for diagnostics, treatment, and patient care. Baihe Medical Limited, a ‘Turnkey Medical Equipment’ Service and Solutions company was incorporated 20 years ago and is present in 26 countries. Despite being a thought leader with a formidable presence, the current global public health and economic challenge have had an enormous impact on it.

As a result, the organization has developed long-term corporate growth digital strategies focused on generating sustainable value-added solutions for customers, sharing experts (broad minds), and driving digital customer engagement.

Digitalized Sustainable Solutions: To improve the sustainability footprint of products & services, solutions adopted are focused on helping customers achieve their own sustainability goals. “Customer is King” remains the golden rule. A systematic program takes a shared value approach- needs of customers, analysis of a company’s degrees of freedom in responding to those needs, and other stakeholders’/ business needs.

Managers must be willing to rethink how best to organize the business system or design an effective customer-value strategy which ensures that no money is left on the customer’s table.

Logistics and delivery services and certain aspects of the value chain might have to be outsourced to ensure efficiency in the implementation of digitalized solutions.

Digitalised Shared Expertise: Knowledge inspires people, opens up their minds to new possibilities, and fuels creativity. As a medical, science, and technology company, Baihe Medical Limited encourages learning and development in different fields of medicine and scientific research. There has been noteworthy support of educational programs in collaboration with international partners through webinars and online discussions. This digitalized shared experience has been adopted by the health care industry with insightful results too.

Driving Digital Customer Engagement: More clients are now being engaged via social media. Traditional physical visit for sales meeting has been switched to video conferencing; websites are now converted to e-commerce websites. There has been 75% improved engagement via chatbots. All these will keep enabling the health sector to enjoy real-time business relationships with practically any medical worker in West Africa and the world.

All of these can be used to create an entirely new business model.

Find below Baihe Medical Limited Digital Model

  • Target Audiences: Medical Workers
  • Mission: Update useful information and empower medical workers


  • Principles: Professional, Compliant, and Up-to-date
  • Remark: All the information shall be verified and approved before post, and make sure these information are professional and up-to-date, even while ensuring they are not against local regulations, international patents, and personal rights. Most importantly, try to avoid competitors’ attacks and misuse of information.

Although COVID-19 has birthed digitalization in the healthcare industry, many changes are underway. It is highly important to control the narrative by playing an active role in shaping them. There is enormous potential in crisis situations if we approach things in the right way. Let’s seize the opportunities! With our ideas and products, we can improve not only the lives but also the world of our customers during this difficult time by creating a truly modern work environment.


Product Images:

Hemodialysis Catheter

Hemodialysis Catheter




Central Venous Catheter


Bloodlines Bloodlines


Edeoghon Davidson is a student of Marketing and Communications at Rome Business School. He is a Senior Business Manager of Baihe Medical Limited.