Managing Innovation in a Growing Enterprise

Entrepenuership and Innovation

Managing Innovation in a Growing Enterprise

Every organization wants to reduce the cost of production and earn more profits without reducing quality. The rule as we used to know no longer works. Survival belongs to those who instil the fabric of innovation and entrepreneurship in their organization’s culture. The summary of these is seen in a buzz statement – “innovate or die”.

What then is innovation? People hear of innovation and imagine some flashy technological advancements. Some get excited about the concept of innovation, build castles in the air without making any substantial improvement, while others swallow the innovation script from an external source hook, line and sinker without tailoring to suit their organizations. The end result ends up undesirable.

A thinking man is a learning man and a learning man is a growing man. The fact remains that an organization that wants to grow must learn and encourage creative thinking.

How then should we introduce innovation given our socio-political context, nature of the organization, possibility of acceptance/ rejection by the key stakeholders, or type of innovation?

Must our idea be as big as Apple or Netflix to get categorized as innovative?

Is there a relationship between innovation and entrepreneurship?

What are the steps that a successful initiative must go through?

How then do we manage innovation in a growing enterprise?

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