Rome Business School Executive Master in Agribusiness Management Students Visit The International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan.

Rome Business School Nigeria, as part of its didactic activities and program value proposition has implanted into the curriculum of the Executive Master in Agribusiness Management the program, an experiential study boot camp at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) headquarters, Ibadan, Nigeria. 

The June 2021 experiential study boot camp which took place 24th-25th June 2021 exposed our executive students to research findings, agriculture innovations, hidden treasures and opportunities in the agriculture and Agro-allied value chain, and many more

IITA was pleased to endorse the Rome Business School Nigeria’s Executive Master in 
Agribusiness Management, after a review of the Master’s program curriculum. Hence, the zealousness to continue the partnership with Rome Business School Nigeria in the area of human capacity development in the agricultural sector. 
The importance of the study boot camp to IITA cannot be overstressed due to the knowledge 
acquisition in scientific areas of the program that will impact and complement the practicality of 
the in-class learning experience of the executive students. 

A module from the Executive Master in Agribusiness Management curriculum is assigned to 
IITA professors for superb delivery, these courses are scheduled to hold during the boot camp 
and they include: 
1.Seeds & Chips: The Food-tech and Agric-tech innovation 
2.Circular Bio-economy 
3.Technological Innovation 
4.Agro-pharmaceutical Innovation 
The boot camp training is certified by IITA, and Rome Business School. Hence, our executive 
students are issued double certificates of participation from both institutions. 
IITArecognizes the importance of capacity development in strengthening research for development(R4D). Since its inception, IITA has supported formal and informal training activities as part of its strategy to improve food security and reduce poverty in the region. The boot camp experiences of art from our executive students have been amazing, impactful, and mind-changing towards the global agricultural sector.
key in the actualization of long-term goals in tackling rising poverty,food insecurity,wealth
creation, and disruptive circular economy.
We have a mandate as a human capacity development institution to help deliver the required skill 
set, competencies, practical and intellectual knowledge required to innovate, kick-start, upscale, 
maintain and grow an agricultural enterprise for the sustainability of Nigeria and African’s economy. 
Quick questions to profile your interest. 
Do you have a passion for agricultural and agribusiness-related ventures? 
Do you currently manage or have the intention of setting up an agribusiness-related 
Are you an Agroprenuer, and want to explore wider areas in the agricultural value chain? 
Would you like to participate in the next boot camp? 
Join other top executives, and farmers, currently exploring the agriculture space profitably.