Graduation Ceremony Celebration 2020

Rome Business School is pleased to announce the celebration of the Graduation Ceremony 2020, on Friday, May 29. Each year the school dedicates this event to the formalization of the objectives achieved by our students through their previous studies.

Students from all over the world gather on this day to share their experiences and above all their successes, full of new skills and with a completely different approach to the future.

Anyone who decides to undertake a Master or MBA course in Professional and Business studies is aware of wanting to improve and apply their knowledge in the working environment. Moving the first steps into the business world, especially today, is not always easy and immediate, it requires a mix of technical skills and soft skills aimed at innovation and development, especially regarding the managerial and leadership environment.

We are therefore proud to celebrate the new young leaders of tomorrow, ready to face the daily challenges of the Business by contributing with innovative ideas and projects, capable of revolutionizing the market on a global scale. Rome Business School boasts an exclusive international profile, as the most recognized Italian Business School abroad, both at European and on a global scale.

Its programs and study paths, therefore, train both students from different countries and future professionals with an open and multicultural vision of reality applied both to work, professional and personal development.

We refer now to the student’s protagonists of the Graduation Ceremony Celebration 2020, of the didactic paths 2018/2019 of MBA, Marketing and Sales, Marketing and Communication, HR Management, Political Marketing, and Communication, eHealth management, Agribusiness Management, Food and Beverage Management, Arts and Culture Management and Fashion Management.

The Auditorium Parco Della Musica will be the setting for this annual event: Viale Pietro de Coubertin 30, 00196 Rome. One of the most important buildings in Rome dedicated to the scenic arts, designed by Renzo Piano and built to host musical and cultural events of various types.

Patron of the Graduation instead is Daniele Maver CEO and director of Jaguar, Land Rover in Italy, one of our most important partner companies. Example of successes but above all of the dedication, passion, and commitment towards the development of one of the brands that represent Italian excellence, both nationally and worldwide.

This is a short preamble of what this important event signed by Rome Business School, is going to be, a day full of emotions but above all the dot on all the “i” of who dedicates commitment and enthusiasm in learning and education during the years 2018 – 2019.

The executive student of the Nigeria campus will be joining other students around the globe at the school global campus to celebrate a great deal. Congratulations in advance to all our students.

Follow the news on the website to find out more about the Graduation Ceremony Celebration and stay tuned!

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