Davidson Edeoghon – Country Business Manager, Baihe Medical Technology Co., Ltd
Master Program in Marketing and Communications recommended by Davidson Edeoghon
Business school is an investment and the commitment of both your time and money. So, what can Rome Business School Nigeria (RBSN) teach you that the real world can’t?
Your time spent in RBSN is less about learning technical skills. That’s the kind of stuff you’re actually going to learn on the job or in your workplace and though you’ll undoubtedly end up walking away from RBSN having learned a new hard skill or two, what you’ll actually take away goes so far beyond that!
Benefits, like developing ridiculously awesome interviewing skills, unlocking your passions and learning how to deal with (and benefit from) not being the smartest person in the room, expanding your network, landing better positions, and, well, making more money.
I have obtained a specific set of ‘soft’ skills, including interpersonal skills, leadership, emotional intelligence, and corporate responsibility. This has polished my methodology for both personal and professional interactions or engagement. Â
The world is an immense place, and the business /corporate world is quite large too. No matter how great your background was prior to RBSN, there are a lot of things you have never experienced before. If you are focused on school, you can discover new ideas, new fields, and new areas of interest.
My days at Rome Business School Nigeria were quite memorable. We truly had very engaging classes, made up of people from diverse backgrounds. This offered the opportunity for everyone in the class to share insight on their various industries.Â
Let’s pretend that you have a conversation with a classmate with a food & beverage background one day and walk away really interested. You think you might find marketing in the food & beverage industry exciting, but you’ve been a real estate gal/guy for your whole career prior to getting into RBSN. The beauty is that, while you are in RBSN, if you find a new area that you love, you can easily set yourself up for a transition that would otherwise have been either extremely difficult or just plain improbable.
I chose Rome Business School and I will recommend to anyone seeking to pursue a postgraduate Master with an International reputation.
The networking benefit that you’ll derive is definitely one of the strongest long-term arguments for attending RBSN. You’ll meet amazing people who will help you in ways you can’t even imagine today.
Choose wisely just as I did.