Diploma in Basic Java Programming



This course is designed to introduce individuals with no prior programming experience to the basics of Java programming. Participants will learn the fundamental concepts, syntax, and best practices of Java programming and develop the skills necessary to write simple Java programs.

Course Duration: 12 weeks

Week 1: Introduction to Java Programming

Introduction to Java and its features

Setting up the development environment

Writing and running the first Java program

Week 2: Variables and Data Types    

Understanding variables and their types

Working with primitive data types

Using strings and the String class

Week 3: Operators and Expressions

Arithmetic, assignment, and comparison operators

Logical operators and boolean expressions

Understanding operator precedence and associativity

Week 4: Control Flow and Decision Making

Conditional statements: if, if-else, switch

Looping constructs: while, do-while, for

Using break and continue statements

Week 5: Arrays and Collections

Introduction to arrays and their manipulation

Using ArrayList and other collection classes

Searching and sorting data in arrays and collections

Week 6: Methods and Functions

Defining and calling methods

Method parameters and return values

Method overloading and recursion

Week 7: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Concepts

Understanding the principles of OOP

Classes and objects

Encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism

Week 8: Exception Handling

Understanding exceptions and error handling

Using try-catch blocks

Throwing and catching exceptions

Week 9: File Handling

Reading from and writing to files

File I/O operations using Java

Handling exceptions related to file operations


Week 10: GUI Programming

What is a GUI?

Creating a GUI with Java

Using Swing components


Course Conclusion:

At the end of this course, participants will have gained a solid foundation in Java programming and will be able to write basic Java programs. They will understand key programming concepts, know how to work with variables, control flow structures, arrays, methods, and object-oriented programming. Participants will also have exposure to exception handling, file operations, and an introduction to popular Java libraries and frameworks. Participants can move on to advanced Java programming concepts to further enhance their proficiency.