Newsletter: Navigating Through Economic Turbulence – The Bright Side to Turbulence

Title: “Great leaders know that how they fight a war often decides whether they will win the peace.”

COVID suddenly entered our lives, completely reversing our existence, in one way or another.

Unexpectedly, it closed us within the physical and psychological boundaries of our existence, forced us to limit social and professional exchanges and relations, inevitably affecting our present and our near future.

In the search of some stimulating and inspiring content to write this message for you in these difficult times, I found an interesting research from the 2010 Harvard Business Review “Roaring Out of Recession” which studied how almost 5000 companies have behaved in 3 historical crises of the past 40 years.

Summing up the results, the research reveals that the highest probability of taking advantage of the crisis was identified in Progressive companies, capable of implementing the correct mix of defensive and offensive moves.
10 years have passed but the rules have not changed.

In other words, the best companies are those capable of improving operational efficiency, reducing costs, and making investments in R&D, marketing, and new assets …and bringing the right people on board.

At the HBR, they are called the architects of the future, talented people able to redesign the post-crisis situation, while the rescuers are still at work.

Among the several questions raising up in this time, organizations should ask themselves: Do I already have at home the right team to design the post-crisis and guide us into the future?

To face periods of crisis, the best people are needed, even more in historical moments that mix the cards in the deck.
People make a difference in the competition. This is the time to keep or to bring the best talents home.

Companies live in continuous competition, trying to do better than others, aiming at better and more innovative services, building lean processes based on effective technological tools to bring more value to customers and even candidates. They need talented people to succeed.

At RBS we are constantly working to encourage students to become new architects of the future, to discover their natural talent, and enhance their professional skills.
I’m honoured to be part of this inspiring community.


Giuliana Baldo Chiaron

Giuliana Baldo Chiaron is an Adjunct Professor at Sapienza, University of Rome (Faculty of Economics – Department of Management) and a Marketing and Communication Manager, with over 20 years in the Information Technology, Telecommunications, and Fashion industries.

She is a lecturer at Rome Business School and Program Director of the Master in Fashion Management. Her teaching areas of specialization are Enterprise Communication Management, Digital Marketing Communication, E-commerce, and E-business.