3 Days Experiential International Study Tour to Kigali, Rwanda.


Honing Entrepreneurial skills and testing them with the ultimate challenge: Rome Business School’s exclusive international Boot camp in Kigali, Rwanda, a beautiful city at the forefront of innovation and among the most productive startup ecosystems in Africa will be hosting Rome Business School Nigeria’s Executive Students.

The International study tour is open to all Rome Business School Nigeria Master and Doctorate programs.

Rome Business School prides itself on its standardized quality, and top-notch value delivery system to our studentship, the entire academia, and the business community. For our executive students, an international study tour is a yearly event proven to have impacted positively on their professional growth, career acceleration, personal exposure, cross-cultural intelligence, and wider business networking opportunities.


The international study tour is aimed at giving our students an overview of business ideology, modeling, and dealings outside the shores of Nigeria. A good number of our executive students in time past have established viable partnerships with foreign investors as a result of the international study tour exposure.

Part of the list of programs to be taken during the study tour is an advanced international program designed to put our executive students in a realistic international business scenario to provide them with practical ways of learning and developing soft skills, with the professional support of experts from a top-class university, blue-chip companies, Rwanda Government initiatives, etc.

The international study tour which is expected to last for 3 days and 4 nights, (18th – 22nd August 2021) will feature visits to Institutions, organization visits, and other events.

An organization such as,

  • Africa Leadership University.
  • Rwanda Genocide Memorial Park.
  • Zipline ( IT Drone Company),
  • Enviroserve (Recycling Plant).
  • VW Wagon Company.
  • Rwanda Dev. Board.
  • Private Sector Federation.
  • Rwanda National Park.
  • Sightseeing (city tour).

All participants are assured of getting the best out of the international study tour through series of business exchanges, innovative business idea generations, and networking with highly ranked entrepreneurs and investors in the country, and many more.


Would you like to join the next international study tour in Kigali, Rwanda, or Rome, Italy?

Would you want to expand your global reach and increase your cultural intelligence?

The experience so far is has been excellent, and fascinating.

For more information and details about the tour. Click here