Rome Business School, Nigeria introduces a new Master in Agribusiness Management

Starting from October 2019 Rome Business School Nigeria will officially commence a new programme, thoughtfully developed for professionals and anyone aiming to acquire a world-class degree in this discipline: the Master in Agribusiness Management. Teachers from the most prestigious professional environments of the field will deal with the main topics of Agribusiness management, marketing strategies of this underdeveloped yet fascinating sector of the Nigerian economy.

Rome Business School Nigeria’s Master in Agribusiness Management offers candidates the opportunity to have a successful global career in the agro network field (production, seed, and crop, harvest, and stock in agriculture, market of commodities, food supply chain, food, and wine industry). Thanks to Rome Business School Nigeria’s international perspective, the programme offers a unique learning experience and global professional

The programme’s quality teaching and networking services all contribute to make it the perfect fit for anyone who is looking to rise to the top in the world of farming, food production, or in the start-up agribusiness system.